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red-crowned crane中文是什么意思

用"red-crowned crane"造句"red-crowned crane"怎么读"red-crowned crane" in a sentence


  • 丹顶鹤
  • 仙鹤


  • The cultural phenomena of red - crowned crane
  • The zhalong nature reserve is an important living area of the rare red - crowned cranes
  • Red - crowned cranes sing a " unison " call on hokkaido , the northernmost of japan ' s main islands
    丹顶鹤在日本最北的主岛北海道发出“齐鸣” 。
  • Zhalong nature reserve is an important living area for the rare red - crowned cranes
  • Carrying capacity of red - crowned cranes in the national yancheng rare birds nature reserve , jiangsu province , china
  • Red - crowned crane is the first - class protective birds of our country , and belong to rare birds in the world
    丹顶鹤( grusjaponensis )是我国一级保护鸟类,属世界稀有珍禽。
  • The researches about breeding ecology of red - crowned cranes had been worked a lot and obtained many achievements too
  • Analysis of effect of wetland ecological environment change in xianghai nature reserve on number and distribution of red - crowned crane
  • Punctuated by leaps that can reach ten feet , the dance of the red - crowned crane is so arresting that japan actually named a city for it : maizuru , or dancing crane
  • The conservation for red - crowned cranes had aroused universal concern , the protected areas main for protecting cranes had been built one after another in all the countries
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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